Cast-iron rails are used for various industrial purposes and are commonly used material for building parts of various structures. There are numerous manufacturers of cast-iron rails for steel plants in India that use this material. Owing to better economic conditions and modernisation, the demand for cast iron rail has also increased considerably over time. Cast iron is used to make rails, gates, utensils, staircases, etc. Its applicability is wide and can be used to fit the user’s requirements with ease. Additionally, the raw material is available easily for a very nominal cost which makes it even more sought-after by various manufacturing companies especially the steel plants in India.
At Bharat Engineering Works, we strive hard to meet every conceivable requirement our clients have by employing the best technology and processes available to us. With over forty years in the business, we have developed consistency and expertise that is unmatched and excel in providing high-quality cast-iron rails to suit your project requisites perfectly. We are an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified company and Govt of India recognized 'One Star Export House'. Our production floors are manned by a team of skilled and motivated individuals who ensure all quality mandates are met without any exceptions. We are considered a leading manufacturer of cast-iron rails for steel plants in India not just because of our expertise and insight into the business but for being able to work with our clients closely and identify solutions that give them the best results.
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